Driveless Car completes a cross country trip.

You may have heard of self driving automobiles but the delphi model has officially been announced to travel a distance of 3,500 mile from San Francisco to New York setting a record of the first self-driven car to travel that distance in North America.

Although, the longest trip ever made by a driverless car was an 8,000-mile journey from Europe to Shanghai in 2010 when a self-driving van from Italian company VisLab made the three-month trek.
The Delphi’s self-driving car, which is modeled after a 2014 Audi SQ5 and debuted at CES 2015, made it's mark.
It features six long-range radars, four short-range radars, three vision-based cameras, six lidars, a localization system, intelligent software algorithms and a full suite of Advanced Drive Assistance Systems.
The car can manage four-way stops, merge onto highways, and steer around unexpected presences in the roadway, such as a bicyclist.
And it seemed to do all this fine along its record-breaking trip, as there were no incidents reported. Although there were several humans in the car in case precautions were needed.
Delphi described the trip as the car’s “ultimate test” as it would be “challenged under a variety of driving conditions from changing weather and terrain to potential road hazards - things that could never truly be tested in a lab.” Delphi gathered more than 2 terabytes of data that it can use to improve its future automated driving systems.
This may very well entail for the future of automobiles as the newest technology is clearly proven to be safe and legit.


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