Mozilla firefox has a new OS

 Image result for firefox OS
We all are famous with the mozilla firefox web browsing application, but did you know that the same organization now posses a new OS?
It is true of the iOS and Android has being progress-ably being good, but has limited the creative mind of developers. So, firefox has taken the effort in building a new OS from scratch demonstrating the power of will and freedom whatever you wish to do.
Firefox OS is built on Gonk, Gecko and Gaia software layers – for the rest of us, it means it is built on open source, and it carries web technologies such as HTML5 and CSS3.
Truly, developers can now create and  debut web apps without the blockade of requirements set by app stores, and users could even customize the OS based on their needs. Currently the OS has made its debut on Android-compatible phones, and the impression so far, is great.
You can use the OS to do essential tasks you do on iOS or Android: calling friends, browsing web, taking photos, playing games, they are all possible on Firefox OS, set to rock the smartphone market.


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