Cloaking devices are very real!!!

Image result for cloaking in real life
Science fiction was once the only place cloaking devices existed, on a Klingon ship in Star Trek or as a literal cloak in Harry Potter. Now science has managed to make them a reality.
While we can't yet don an item of clothing that will make us entirely invisible, there are more options. Scientists have come up with all sorts of complicated cloaking devices, presumably with plenty of military funding. Some are more simple and can even be made at home for cheap.
We've rounded up the best cloaking discoveries science has on offer.
Scientists at the University of Rochester have come up with a lens array system that's able to make anything in its path invisible to the human eye.
The cloaking system uses lenses which bend light rather than allowing it to travel in a straight line. This means that anything placeed in between the lenses can no longer be seen. And the best part is you can make it yourself for about £60.
A real world example given for its use was a truck driver who could cloak his rear storage unit so he could see directly behind him. Unlike cloaking devices in films, where a character or vehicle becomes invisible, this system relies on lenses so it's more for use seeing "around" objects


  1. Awesome post, the world is advancing so fast, I have to keep up ooo


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